The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is established under Article 59 of the Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, 1977 and the OAG (Re-Structure) Order, 2018 under the Government Notice No. 48 of 2018.
The main role of this Office is to advise the Government on matters of law, especially legislative drafting, and negotiation of contracts and treaties on behalf of the Government and provide legal advice to Ministries, Department Agencies (MDAs) and Local Government Authorities (LGAs) in Tanzania Mainland.
The Government restructured the Office of Attorney General on February, 2018 through the Office of the Attorney General (Re-structure) Order Government Notice No. 48/2018.
The OAG-MIS is designed for the internal and external use as a modern solution of collaboration between Public Institutions and the OAG aiming to increase quality of legal operations and transparency in decision making.
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